Langchain fundamentals To help you build apps powered by LLMs


4 min read


LangChain is an open-source Python library that enables anyone who can write code to build LLM-powered applications. It provides a generic interface to many foundation models, enables prompt management, and acts as a central interface to other components like prompt templates, other LLMs, external data, and other tools via agents.

What is LangChain?

LangChain is a Python framework that makes it easy to build applications using large language models (LLMs). It provides a variety of features, including:

  • A generic interface to many LLMs, such as GPT-3, BLOOM, and Flan-T5

  • Prompt management tools for designing and crafting prompts that are effective in eliciting the desired output from an LLM

  • Chaining capabilities for combining multiple components into a sequence that can be used to generate text or perform other tasks

  • Agents for controlling the flow of a chain and deciding what actions to take

  • Memory for storing and retrieving information.

LangChain installation and setup

To install LangChain, you can use the following command:

pip install langchain

Once LangChain is installed, you can set it up by creating a configuration file. This file should specify the LLMs that you want to use and the default configuration for your applications.


LLMs are large language models that have been trained on a massive dataset of text and code. LLMs can be used for a variety of tasks, including text generation, translation, code understanding, and question-answering.

Some of the most popular LLMs include:

  • GPT-3


  • Flan-T5

  • Jurassic-1 Jumbo

Prompt Templates

Prompt templates are used to instruct the LLM what to do. LangChain provides a variety of prompt templates that can be used for different types of tasks, such as translation, question answering, and code generation.

For example, the following prompt template can be used to generate a translation of a sentence from English to Spanish:

Translate the following sentence from English to Spanish: {}

The {} placeholder will be replaced with the sentence that you want to translate.


A LangChain chain is a sequence of components that are used to generate text or perform other tasks. Chains can be as simple as a single LLM, or they can be more complex, involving multiple LLMs, prompt templates, and other components.

Here is an example of a simple LangChain chain for generating a summary of a text:


from langchain import Chain

# Create a chain
chain = Chain(
    # The LLM to use

    # The prompt template to use
    prompt_template="Summarize the following text:\n{}",

    # The text to summarize
    text="This is a long text that I want to summarize.",

# Generate the summary
summary = chain.generate()

# Print the summary

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This chain will first generate a prompt for the LLM, using the prompt_template and the text variables. The LLM will then be used to generate a summary of the text, which will be printed to the console.

Simple Sequential Chain

A simple sequential chain is a type of LangChain chain that consists of a sequence of components, each of which takes the output of the previous component as its input.

Simple sequential chains are typically used for tasks that involve generating text sequentially, such as writing a story or translating a document.

Sequential Chain

A sequential chain is a type of LangChain chain that allows for more complex control over the flow of the chain. Sequential chains can have multiple inputs and outputs, and they can contain conditional statements and loops.

Sequential chains are typically used for tasks that involve complex reasoning or decision-making, such as building a chatbot or a dialogue system.


Agents are used to control the flow of a LangChain chain and to decide what actions to take. Agents can be used to implement a variety of features, such as dialogue management, knowledge retrieval, and decision-making.

For example, an agent could be used to implement a dialogue management system for a chatbot. The agent could keep track of the state of the conversation and decide what the chatbot should say next.


LangChain provides a memory mechanism that can be used to store and retrieve information. This can be useful for building applications that need to keep track of context or that need to access external data.
